On Garden Inspiration and Grounded Connections: Gracy Fowler of Buttercup

Today, we’re chatting with one of The Front Market’s Spring 2024 vendors, Gracy Fowler of Buttercup.

I didn’t realize that some little craft I started 5 years ago would lead me to so many priceless relationships, conversations, and interactions almost daily. Meeting new faces and knowing I’m making an impact is my bread and butter. 
— Gracy Fowler

Tell us about your creative journey. What made it hard? What made it easy? 

My creative journey started in my girlhood. I was born eager to create, that part of me was always nourished. This hunger has followed me into adulthood with one dilemma; we all gotta eat. But I needed my art just as much. Founding buttercup in 2019 was my solution to this little pickle, and I've been fortunate to find people who adore it as much as I do!

What does your day-to-day as a creative look like?

Being that I sleep just feet away from the garden that grows the flowers for my art, and the studio in which the magic happens- my commute is ideal. After my morning rituals, I'll lug myself up the stairs to my lofty art studio and pick up wherever I left off the day before. Whether it's flower pressing, preserving a bridal bouquet, tediously organizing butterfly wings, or sanding hundreds of pea sized pendants (yaay…).

Where do you find inspiration for your work?

You know that scene in breaking dawn part II where Bella wakes up as a vampire and notices every little minute detail? Down to the dew on blades of grass, dust in the air, the texture of the woven fibers in her clothes? That's how I look at things as an artist. My inspiration comes from mostly mundane things. Texture, patterns, seasons, I find inspiration and relevancy in everything. Oh yea and pinterest, duh!

Our theme this season at Future Front is RITUALS. What are some of your favorite rituals?

Connecting my body with nature. Sunbathing in my hammock every morning. Gardening/weeding without gloves, feeling the soil. Picking a fresh vase of flowers every sunday so that i am reminded of natural beauty. My favorite ritual of all is playing with flowers everyday- and getting paid to do it?!!

Why is your work important to you? 

Human connection. I didn't realize that some little craft I started 5 years ago would lead me to so many priceless relationships, conversations, and interactions almost daily. Meeting new faces and knowing I'm making an impact is my bread and butter. 

What advice would you give to a creative just starting out? 

Don't take the hits too personally. You will roll the dice and lose, but this is okay. You're doing great, babe! Just keep swimming. Practice letting the hits roll off your back and growing thick skin- you'll need it. 

Let’s spread the love! Who are three vendors from The Front Market this season that you’re obsessed with? 

Tak Tak — Her ability to take glass blowing and develop such a whimsy style?!? Developing such a signature in any medium is no easy feat.

Tawa Threads — The tapestries themselves might look like printed fabric from afar, but once you read the inspiration behind each piece, worlds start to form. Tabria is able to capture the distinct beauty of national parks in colorful abstract personalities. 

Ashdel — Seeing someone take sewing thread/fibers to form such delicate pieces of jewelry caught me off guard in the best way possible. 

What does your relationship between work and play look like? 

Work is play to me. That's why I turned my craft into my career, “love your job and never work a day in your life.”. On a real note though, it's very easy for my work to infiltrate my personal life, I definitely have to draw a line sometimes to take time for myself.

What part of running your business do you secretly love? Secretly hate? 

I secretly hate social media and my reliance on it as an artist. Feeling pressured to make forced content feels icky. In a world where perfection is demanded, it sucks that sometimes I have to worry about camera angles and lighting. All I want to do is craft in my underwear and oily hair hunched over gollum style. I secretly love social media- despite the rage it sparks in me sometimes, I love the connection it provides between me and my art community. 

If one song had to be playing on repeat while you crafted/worked, what would it be? 

Any true crime/horror podcast. Give me gore or give me nothing! 



The Front Market returns November 2024 at Waterloo Greenway this Fall. Learn more and get involved here.

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