On Healing Your Inner Child, Colorful Homes and Oat Milk Lattes: Lian of lian.soy

Today, we’re chatting with one of The Front Market’s Spring 2024 vendors, Lian of lian.soy.

It’s healing to my inner child when I get to just make/sell things that I think are fun/funny, and then people really do gasp a little gasp when they see my things at live markets and i never ever grow tired of it
— Lian

Tell us about your creative journey. What made it hard? What made it easy? 

I started drawing when I was 0 and haven't stopped since :-) When life felt hard growing up (as a human w depression and anxiety), I was able to find solace in making or creating things in my own little world in my mind where things were softer and gentler. It was hard for a while along the way because I was unable to do any personal creative work for a long, long time due to life circumstances, and it was like everything was on pause. But I am happy to report it’s no longer the case! When I am being creative, it feels like the only space in this world that I can really be doing something that makes me feel like me.

What does your day-to-day as a creative look like?  

I make an oat milk latte to share with my partner Inbae, and then whenever I open my freezer to get the ice, my (rescue) toy poodle Ghost runs over because HE LOVES PLAYING WITH ICE SO MUCH and I can never say no to him even if it means I will find a large puddle on the ground later that I will mistake for an accident from him or Pepper (my other baby angel dog).

Then I make a to-do list and I make sure to include some easier things so that I can check some stuff off and not feel unproductive if I don’t make it too far into my list :-0

Then I do work-related shop stuff like fulfill orders or work on portraits, update things on the site, reply to emails or Dms or anything else that needs doin’. I make sure to take snack breaks and visit Inbae’s office room and bug him a little bit (re: a lotta bit) if he’s not in a meeting.

Then at night if there aren’t any extra festivities, we will usually wind down with some telly before bed, then Floss Time, then I read, Inbae asks me why I am pretending I know how to read, and I laugh and then go to sleep.

THERE ARE ALSO days where I am feeling down and out and so I do less lian.soy work and that’s okay too.

Where do you find inspiration for your work? 

I think the usual answers are true for me: my loved ones around me, my small dogs, my colorful house (bland on the outside though. BOO, HOA!!!), interactions with new people, bugs and plants I see while walking around outside, my feelings, and those “dollar” stores in Brooklyn that sell the weirdest best things (with nary an actual $1 price tag in sight)

Our theme this season at Future Front is RITUALS. What are some of your favorite rituals?  

Probably the latte one I mentioned earlier; I kick the ice around and it slides across the room and Ghost zoomies after it and it’s just so so dang CUTE! Wonderful way to begin a day. Ask me for a video, I’ve plenty.

Why is your work important to you? 

It’s healing to my inner child when I get to just make/sell things that I think are fun/funny, and then people really do gasp a little gasp when they see my things at live markets and i never ever grow tired of it T_T And people’s reaction when they receive their custom portrait is sooo lovely. so my work is important to me because of something a little corny ~spreading joy~ :-D

What advice would you give to a creative just starting out? 

At least in the beginning, make what you want and try not to think about it in terms of selling/monetary returns.

Let’s spread the love! Who are three vendors from The Front Market this season that you’re obsessed with? 

Keiko Hayner is a dear friend of mine, and she’s a truly special illustrator that creates work that makes your heart smile wide when looking at it.

Tak Tak Risa does glass blowing and every time I see one of her instagram videos of her making her glass pieces my mind blows up again.

Benh of Year901 is a brilliant, meticulous jewelry maker friend who makes lovely modern+traditional pieces SHE RECENTLY ALSO MADE (AND I IMMEDIATELY PURCHASED) tiny silver soup spoon necklaces! Like the kind of spoon you use to eat xiaolongbao :’)

What does your relationship between work and play look like? 

It kind of blurs in a way that makes me grateful but also very tired lol. I am so lucky that my work often feels like tailor-made play for me, but I guess that’s what draws me to it in the first place.

What part of running your business do you secretly love? Secretly hate? 

I secretly love…ok I hope this isn’t creepy. But sometimes I will have an online customer with a shipping address on the other side of the world, and I get so curious what their world looks like and so I google their city and envision what people’s daily lives are like over there. Hehe. I secretly hate…….taxes?? This isn’t really a secret. But sometimes the non-creative sides of running a small business REALLY stress me out almost to the point where I am scared to expand because I will have to deal with more of those types of things. But it’s okay, I’m working on it!

If one song had to be playing on repeat while you crafted/worked, what would it be? 

Can I pick…The song of my dogs’ breathing and/or snoring : -D



The Front Market returns November 2024 at Waterloo Greenway this Fall. Learn more and get involved here.

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